Restore your
Well-being & Realise your Potential
A Warm Welcome
Do you need someone to talk with?
Feeling overwhelmed or struggling within yourself, with relationships, and with the world? I know how painful it can be. You do not need to suffer alone. I offer you a warm, safe, and confidential space to talk, to be heard, and to be taken seriously. Together we can find a way through whatever is happening and however you are feeling.
It takes courage to admit there is a problem and to seek help. Your choice to enter counselling could reflect a
life-affirming impulse that is seeking to work through the pain and wounds of your past, understand how they are affecting you now, and reveal your more authentic sense of self.
Doing so might help release your inner resources and capacities to be with whatever life brings, and so liberate you to make the changes you need to create a more genuine, fulfilling, and hopeful life, aligned with your own deep innate sense of truth.
I would feel honoured if you invite me to accompany you as we embark on your journey towards understanding, change, and wholeness.
In-Person & Online sessions
I offer in-person sessions at The Psychosynthesis Trust near London Bridge SE1, or online video counselling sessions via Zoom.
It is important you find the right therapist for you, so I offer a no-cost initial session to experience how it feels to spend time together, and to explore how we might work together.
What brings you here?​
Do any of the following resonate with you?
feeling overwhelmed, lost, or confused and don't know what to do.
feeling trapped, misunderstood, or unseen.
stuck in thought or behaviour spirals, fear, anxiety, panic, or anger.
struggling with loneliness, depression, despair, or intense mood swings.
feeling not good enough, self-hate, numb, guilty, or shame.
feeling like an outsider, imposter, or wanting to hide
needing to control or striving to be perfect.
feeling like you are having a breakdown or falling apart.
If so, I am here for you. I offer you a welcoming, supportive, and deeply respectful space to talk.
What I can help with
I am experienced in working with the following:
Traumatic childhood experiences including feeling controlled, smothered, ignored, rejected, neglected, attacked, or abandoned.
Emotional, mental, physical, or sexual abuse.
Family issues including coercion, manipulation, enmeshment, and erasure of sense of self.
Generational patterns and traumas.
Loss of a parent due to separation, divorce or death.
Multiple and complex family systems.
Relationship issues including co-dependency, control issues, and feeling anxious, avoidant, or ambivalent.
Breakdowns, endings, loss of trust, communication, and intimacy.
Sex-related issues including addictions and loss of libido.
Being single and/or dating related issues.
Identity, socio-cultural, socio-economic, privilege, and regional issues.
Shifting identity due to changes in life-stage, role, or context.
Anxiety, depression, overwhelm, anger, panic attacks, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, paranoia, and obsessive or addictive behaviours.
Body and food related issues (anorexia, bulimia, binge, restrictive/avoidant, orthorexia).
Health-related issues, illnesses, and medical trauma.
Self-harm, suicidal ideation and attempts.
Personality 'disorders' (paranoid, schizoid, borderline, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent, bipolar).
Psychosis, psychotic episodes, being sectioned, and transpersonal experiences.
Bereavement or living-loss of others due to cancer, dementia, accidents, illness, or old-age.
Caring for the elderly or those infirm.
Existential anxiety including death, life, and the loss and seeking of meaning, purpose, and direction.